Saturday, January 14, 2012

Taking Decisions

Morning Friends  

Day 4, more locations are being occupied. The strike continues as the people fight on. I have watched tv, heard d radio, seen actions, received countless broadcasts, read some and ignored some. I have come to understand a lot about the whole situation.

The problem between the government and the people is simply lack of communication. There's no understanding so we can't make head way. Gone were the days when the people could be brainwashed. Now the people are more enlightened and need to know exactly why they are taking any decision. If you are doing anything for my good I think I deserve explanation on how you plan to go about it. And most of all, my consent should count.

The government has a very bad record with governance and funds management in the past. So the people are very about skeptical too about trusting them with their future. Once beaten, twice shy. We can't afford to make the same mistakes over again and remain stagnant. Its high time we stood up to this peace fight. We have to decide to make it what we want not just for us now, but for the future generations coming. You don't have to do what everybody does, you can express your pain in your own way. In all we do let's keep praying for our country and also remember to avoid violence for the peace & unity of our land is what matters most.


@kandysugabeat (>> me on twitter)

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